October 22, 2014 1 min read 4 Comments

Its that time of year again! We are giving one lucky person $25,000 cash! All you have to do is head over to PacSun and sign up. No strings attached. Let us know what you would do with the money by hash tagging #SpendReckless on Instagram and Twitter. Who knows? We might be at your door step very soon.

4 Responses

Brittany Moose
Brittany Moose

November 13, 2014

I would spend the money on a car and an apartment for me and my son Drake. I would write the rest of my sob story on here but I know that nobody is reading it and I have no chance of winning it. Drama, just help this momma out. #spendreckless

freddie micciche
freddie micciche

November 03, 2014

I’ve been supporting The brand since it started I’d be so hyped if I won I’d save Some of the money and then I’d help the skate scene in ny get some indoor spots and get my girl a nice chain haha I’d help my parents out with Shit get them a new car and to top it off a trip to la to skate this winter in the warm

Morgan Johnson
Morgan Johnson

November 03, 2014

My name is Morgan. I live in a small town in Ohio called Proctorville. I’ve watched you since I was 10 or 11. I’m 17 now & money is pretty tight, I’ve searched for many jobs around the area that I would be able to walk to because at the moment, there is no car in the family, but no one will hire, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, someone always get chosen over me. It’s usually the people with well known names and money that get the job. All I wanna do is help my mom as she tries to keep this family together. She’s disabled, and my step dads job just isn’t working for the family. If I were to win this I would take a little amount out of it for school, to start my music career. I’d give the rest to my mother. Please hear me out, this would help me out a lot. Thank you, hope you have a wonderful day.

Sarah Adams
Sarah Adams

October 23, 2014

I would spend reckless to put myself ahead in the game! The game being college, to be able to work less & focus more on my studies! Becoming a nurse takes time but much more so when you’re having to take breaks to work to afford what you need. I would spend reckless on my future goals!

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